Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tipping Point

In a few hours, I will officially be 46 years of age. Given the fact that I plan on living, or should I say would like to live, God willing, on this planet until I am 90 years old, that means I have passed the half-way point of my life. The tipping point, so to speak.
Over the past dozen or so years, I've buried over 1500 people. Some of them were relatives of mine. Many were friends, or former teachers and coaches. Most I never knew. Some were very old and welcomed death with open arms, and some were just beginning their journey. Some left behind a legacy of children and grandchildren, while others died completely alone, their bloodline ended. Regardless of the circumstances, I've found that without exception, for better or worse, everyone leaves their mark on this world. Everyone leaves behind a story. I'll be forever grateful to the families I've worked with who shared these tales with me.
Adventures in Undertaking will share some of these stories. The names and the places will be changed to protect privacy. I'll also share with you some of the humorous behind the scenes events that happen on almost every funeral. I've spent the first half of my life wanting to share some of these stories. Now that I've reached my tipping point, I better start.

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